Import of saffron from Iran to France + How to buy Iranian saffron?

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Buying saffron in FranceHow to contact King BusinessWhy does this customer not buy saffron from Spain?Import of saffron from IranExport of packaged saffronThe price of saffron todayDaily price of saffron

Why is it better to Import of saffron from Iran despite the fact that Spain is the largest exporter of saffron?

Buying saffron in France

Comment le safran pur est-il vendu en France ?

In this text, we have discussed the story of a French customer who got to know our company through the online store website.
The customer, who was in contact with one of our colleagues from the export department, requested to buy bulk saffron.
This colleague of ours is one of the experienced and active employees of King Business Company.
They have prepared a report from the French client and sent this report to the company’s head office in the Netherlands.
In this article, we try to provide you with parts of this report.

How to contact King Business

This report states that:
Today, a French customer contacted us through the company’s website.
He is a dry goods trader and has a store in Paris, France.
This French customer asked about the price of saffron, as well as the quality and how to send saffron to Paris, Marseille and Lyon.
In the initial conversation, I realized that this customer’s request is to buy 5 kg of saffron and deliver it in Paris.

Why does this customer not buy saffron from Spain?

Why does this customer not buy saffron from Spain?

Spain is one of the exporters of saffron.
Most of the saffron in Spain is brought to this country from Iran.
After packing saffron in Spain, these saffrons are exported to other countries including France, Germany, Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands.
For this reason, it is better to import saffron directly from Iran, and it is economical to Import of saffron from Iran to France.

Import of saffron from Iran

Negozio online di zafferano iraniano

Continue the report:
This customer’s request was to send saffron in one gram packages.
The requested saffron price list and also pictures of the packaged samples were sent to the French customer.

Export of packaged saffron

Stores in Asian and European countries usually sell saffron in packages of 1 gram and 5 grams.
For this reason, our customer requested that we send saffron in one gram packages.

The price of saffron today

Price of a bunch of saffron

Grade A saffron is classified into three categories: Sargol, Negin and Super-Negin.

  • Iranian Sargol saffron 1890 to 1950 euros per kilo
  • The price of Negin type saffron is 2380 to 2690 euros
  • A kilo of super Negin saffron costs 2700 to 2980 euros

Daily price of saffron

As you know, the daily price of saffron is updated daily on our website.
You can also contact our colleagues in the sales department to buy saffron.

Mr. S . Biglah

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