Where to buy saffron in Belgium
What will you read ...
Selling Iranian saffronHow much is 1 gram of saffron?Online shopping for saffronWhere to buy saffron in Belgium?Wholesale of saffronThe price of 1 kilo of saffron in EuropeBuying saffron in BrusselsImporting saffron to BelgiumWhat brand does the most reliable saffron shopping center in Europe offer?
What will the price of saffron in Brussels be in 2023?
Where to buy saffron in Belgium?
King brand sales branches operate in Antwerp, and Levon.
Selling Iranian saffron

How much is the price of 1 kilo of Iranian saffron in Europe?
In addition to the type and grade of the product, the area of product collection (producer country) is important.
The saffron that grows in the climatic conditions of Iran has an ideal quality.
Farm soil also plays an important role in increasing or decreasing the quality of red gold.
How much is 1 gram of saffron?
How much is the price of saffron in Antwerp per gram?
Where to buy saffron in Belgium?
1 gram of red gold has a volume equivalent to 1.5 to 2 tablespoons.
If we use this amount of grade N of this product in the preparation of sweets, about 2 to 3 kilos of sweets will be prepared.
One gram of pure saffron in the saffron king online shop.
The shop is between 8 and 11 euros.
Online shopping for saffron

One of the points that should be considered in online shopping.
Confirmation of the payment gateway is the amount of the order.
It is better to make sure of the validity of the saffron seller‘s site first.
King Business has provided all electronic payment methods for buyers.
Where to buy saffron in Belgium?
In German cities, saffron is used in the preparation of various dishes.
Today, the order of 5 kilos of Iranian red gold was delivered to the address of the buyer living in Brussels.
This person has 2 big restaurants in Antwerp and Brussels.
Where to buy saffron in Belgium?
The price of saffron in Brussels is between 3250 and 3650 €.
Wholesale of saffron

How to sell pure saffron?
First, we must know the target community (product buyers) well.
If we can sell the product to stores, it is better to buy packaged red gold.
King brand offers the best Iranian red gold and Afghan and Spanish saffron in standard European packages.
The price of 1 kilo of saffron in Europe
Which type of red gold is more expensive in Europe?
Grade A++ product is bought and sold as the most expensive type of saffron.
This type has a very high coloring power.
The significant difference with other types of pure red gold is the size of its strands.
The length of each grade A++ saffron stigma is between 3.5 and 4 cm.
King brand is offered for 4350€ per kilo of this type.
Buying saffron in Brussels

How has the price of saffron changed in Antwerp in the last 2 years?
A review of the saffron purchase price chart in Belgium shows that each kilo of red gold has increased by about 35% between 2021 and 2022.
Each gram of Iranian red gold in 2021 was on average 2 to 4.5 €.
Importing saffron to Belgium
On Saturday, September 23, 2022, 100 kilos of grade 1 saffron was sent to the Brussels branch.
The most demanded by Brussels buyers for Grade A is the King brand.
The Antwerp market has the highest demand for A+ grades.
King Business is an importer of all types of pure red gold to Belgium.